The entire political universe filtered through my mind

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Un-edited thoughts while watching the RNC

So after letting myself calm down a little from the latest Palin nonsense I've decided to go back and trouble the waters again. Here is the post I self-censored last week after deciding it was only feeding my obsessions. Now, after seeing the disgusting negative ads John McCain is running (see here)– I can say that I no longer care to censor myself. For those who care here are my un-edited, un-censored, thoughts, as they spewed forth while watching John McCain speak at the RNC.

"When you've lived in a box," spoke the deep voice of the narrator... And then emerged John McCain to deliver his speech to literally a few thousand (with the very wealthy in the private VIP boxes above)... Wrapping up an otherwise sleep inducing round of dreary "patriotic" speeches from speakers who seemed to be lacking sleep themselves (and sincerity). Oh, and the one from Cindy McCain actually daring to say that the Republicans of today were the party of Lincoln- ha ha- in name only sister. Try and study a little history please! But, then there was John McCain praising Bush for invading Iraq. Oh, and thanks for the green screen behind McCain again during the first part of his speech- what were they thinking!? I'm sure there will be videos on you tube tomorrow. He does at least say to Obama "you have my respect and admiration- much more unites than divides us- we are fellow Americans and that is an association that means more to me than any other." Of course there was the whole new round of negative attack ads he put out this week but, umm.... Whoa, Whoa, was that an attempted streaker!? McCain said it,.. "Americans want us to stop yelling at each other,"- thanks McCain for at least affirming in your speech how Obama has been running his campaign since the beginning. If only you weren't quite so devoted to the failed ideology and policies that have been the bread and butter of the republican party for 20+ years. Oh, and you say, "I work for you." Well, John McCain, Barack Obama said it first and better- what you didn't get was that this election was never about you- Barack Obama get's it. "I fight, I fight,..I fight," we get it John,.. you fight- go fighting republicans! Woo hoo! Bring out the McCain cheerleaders again they were great! Ouch, McCain just admitted to being a Washington insider- "we lost their (the American people's) trust," but then says, "we are going to change that." And again, "the party of Lincoln," what a load of crap John you should know better! "We believe in a culture of life," just not your life if you are too culturally different from us,... oh and "don't legislate from the bench," please that is all your Supreme Court judges do. Oh God I prey this country will not let this happen again. I prey that people have grown smarter (I know it is a tall order). Next McCain says, and I quote loosely here, "my plans" are better because I lie about them and lie about Obama's plans even though more independent analysis has confirmed Barack has a better economic plan for all except the uber rich like myself- umm that was what he meant to say I guess. Wait what's happening, now McCain is basically mouthing all the same policy Barack talked about in detail, or is that just plagiarism- Oh right, I forgot, it's all in the rhetoric. For McCain "improving schools" means underfunding public schools and offering "vouchers" for private christian schools. And now here is the crux of it- "we will stop sending 700 billion to other countries," [I guess for things like, ohh, humanitarian support, medical aid, food, and national debt payments], and instead spend that money and much more to wage war in other countries. "We'll drill more wells off shore and we will drill them now!" OK, well that's good right?! And then, "It's time for us to show the world again, how Americans lead." Well, if you mean by following George W. Bush 90% of the time "leading" then I guess following Barack never looked so good. "I know how the world works,....I know how to secure the peace [by more war]." "I hate war," says John McCain, but he sure is proud of those scars and the time he spent in the box as he tells the whole story once again with that big grin- cheeky, cheeky McCain. Sounds like maybe he realized early on in his experience that he'd be able to milk that story for a supposed moral high ground for the rest of his life. "I always liked to strut a little after I'd been roughed up," says McCain, but finally they broke him. "No man can always stand alone," a fellow cell mate told him [ except George Bush or Ronald Reagan of course, or McCain if he's president]. "Instead of not using good ideas because we didn't think of them first,.. let's work together." Good idea but,.., um well how about having a few good ideas of your own if you want to be president John McCain!? Is that too much to ask for America?! -- But good concession speech all the same. "Nothing brings greater happiness in life than to serve a cause greater than yourself," but then , "I'm going to fight for my cause everyday." What is your cause McCain? "Fight with me, fight with me, fight, fight... Stand up, stand up, stand up," (starting to sound like Kecinich Wake Up, Wake Up). "We never hide from history,"... unless it's the history of the republican party...cut to more country music, oh it's the McCain Vietnam story as a song, "Raising McCain" and whoosh! It's over! -- Well, no tears for this one as there was not really much for inspiration I'm afraid - just more of the same old B.S. But at least McCain is taking notes from Obama- that's a good sign coming from a man who lived in a box right? Enjoy America!


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